The influence of geographic, symbolic and cultural contexts can be read in the objects and the wealth of knowledge, skills and trades inherited that contemporary designers constantly update and which are subject to analysis.
Representing the diversity of geographical settings, symbolic heritage and creative languages, which are present in the current design, Julio Oropel´ installation shows the road from the ancient craftsmanship techniques, with natural raw materials, to current design of contemporary elements, with reference to the textile field, as a symbolism of this path between craftsmanship and design.
Regarding textiles, the constructive, spatial and tactile concepts are constantly playing with colour, the controlled and the casual ideas.
The requirement to generate contents and thoughts on the discipline of design, encouraging the creation of local paradigms in teaching and assistance, keeping craftsmanship traditions alive.
The objects we let into our homes should have a sense, a soul and should build towards a good living. Objects provide stories and values.
Designers who generate innovative proposals, analyzing their expressive languages and elucidating elements of a creative identity.
The message of our work is simple and straightforward: to appreciate and respect manual labour and the environment.
Also, specific references to the creative languages that prevail in different regions, describing the design from the perspective of innovation and originality.
Three components are shown in the installation:
– Manual work as a unique, original and beautiful way to manifest our being in the material;
– The environment as the source of the pure and natural materials we use.
– Finally, the contribution of the designers who join the craftsmen with their wealth of techniques.